Sunday, July 10, 2011

Im natural for a reason

I was at a friends house playing in my hair when she mentioned how long my hair would be. At that moment I knew exactly what she was referring to...(if I had a perm) lead to the question of, would you ever perm your hair? I stated no. I have no intentions of getting a perm, not now, not ever. Been there done that not a fan. I love my natural hair, even though at times I get frustrated, who doesn't? Even with a perm there comes frustration. I have yet to meet a woman that can say she hasn't had a bad hair day. lol. I personally don't care for perms. Not to say that they don't look nice or that I think everyone should be natural. If it floats your boat then cool, to each its own. I thought about all the reason I love being natural, and all the reasons I wouldn't go back to the permy crack. These are the just a few of the pros and cons I've come up with...not listed in any particular order.

1. Originality & Creativity- I've been able to create so many differnt hairstyles that allow me to be different from everyone eles. I use to rock a wrap with my permed hair all the time same ol same ol.

2. Naturals have more fun- I'm not affraid to get my hair wet when it rains or going to the hair loves water.

3.Beauty- I love the way natural hair looks, itt's beautiful and unlike any other race.

4.Easily manipulated- my hair can be twisted for 10 minutes...really less for that matter and then untwisted and it holds form. It's amazing!

5.Education- I've educated myself so much more now that I am natuarl. I take much better care of my hair now then I did then and you can see the resolutes.

6. Secret code- The natural community is slowly growing, and with each natural woman I come accross comes with support. It's like an unspoken secret society. I get compliment on my hair by other naturals all the time, and I return the getsure. :)


1. Consistency- I am not as consistent as I would like to be. Being natural requires alot of attention. For example I went this entire week without wearing my hair in a protective style. (shame on it all) Im gonna do better.

2. Knots- Individual knots they drive me crazy!

lol and that's about it. Just thought I would share.