Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Rhassoul Clay

What is Rhassoul Clay?
It is a smectic clay. Smectic means it's very absorbent. Much more than any other cosmetic clay.
It can be used as a soap, skin conditioner, shampoo or mask for the face and body. It is best known for detoxifying and cleansing the skin.

How did I come about using this product?
My best friend purchased a few items from She was telling me How great the product was supposed to be for your hair and of coarse I wanted to try it out  :)
Here are my results....

Prep & Prepoo....

I removed my hair from mini twist, and did a quick lenght check before
getting started...this was my first time using the Rhassoul Clay

Before getting started I conditioned my hair and left
in over night, and rinsed in the morning

This is what the clay looks like before adding anything. This is its original package

I added a small amount of water at a time until the clay seemed smooth
I gradually added more water and more clay
Use your discression depending on how thick and long your hair is
This was not all of the clay...I did add more

This is what the clay looked like once applied.
After I applied it to my hair, I sectioned my hair into 4 and pinned it up,
then covered it with a plastic bag and towel.

I didn't leave it in as long as I would have liked to, it only stayed for 1hr :(
next time I'm going for 4hrs
I took a picture of the mess you can expect

I rinsed my hair with cold water

And detangled with a Denman Brush (found @ Sally's)
and my spray bottle containing water and olive oil


Me being silly..sorry lol
But you can see my hair here

All in all, even though I didn't leave the clay in as long as I would have like to, I could tell a major difference in my hair!!! The texture was very soft..the sofest my hair has been. It was very different to see my hair that stoft. My curls were slightly more defined, but not a lot. I would use the product again, very soon....this time adding some things to the mixture. I didn't want to mix anything with it since it was my first time....I did want to try it out in its natural state first. Next time my goal is 4 hrs or more and to add an oill or coconut milk to the thing I forgot to mention...when mixing the clay make sure the water is warm ;)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


You know I orginal started this blog to start something I have always wanted to do. I wanted to be able to share with the world all the wonderful things I discovered and did, in hopes to inspire others. It was ment to be fun, sey, flirty and soooo much more. However right now, I really just need to express how I feel right now at this moment. Let me first explain the phone is off...there that's it. That is the situation, and because of it, I have no one to reach out to. I cant call my mommy, or my best friends. NO ONE!!! No one to talk to, just my blog. So here we go. I recently lost my aunt on my fathers side, the first real relative on his side that tried to gain contact with me. It hurt so much to hear that she was gone. I hadn't seen it coming, I didn't get a chance to say bye, or tell her I loved her. If it wasn't for Facebook, I might have not found out. My sister from my father was the one that messaged me to let me know what was going on. We try and communicate on occassions. We didn't grow up with each other, but we kept contact as best we could. When I found out my aunt passed, I wanted so much to be there for my little cousin. I couldn't imagine losing my mommy. I couldn't place myself in her shoes. I just knew I wanted to be there for her. However I did fear what emotions would over come me when I would see my father. I hadn't seen him since my grandfather's (who raised me) funeral when I was in the seveneth grade...I think I was 11 or 12, I'm 23 now. All this time I dealt with feeling unwanted and not fully loved. I hated myself....I thought something was wrong with me, because I knew he had a relationship with my three other siblings, but he never tried to reach out to me. NEVER :( To make a long story short, I battled alot of issues when I was in New York for the funeral. He made a effert to explain why he wasn't in my life...he said because my (strugglin) mother had put him on child support, he wanted to contact..but now that I was on my own (which I had been for 4yrs..and he knew I was) that we could communicate. I cried slightly when he told me that. I never imagined the moment I would see him again, or thought what would he say...what would I say? I was hurt that his excuse for not being apart of my life was because my mother put him on child support. I'm dealing with so many personal issues, because I din't have a father, and the best thing he could say to me was...what had came out his mouth. I dismissed it and allowed for him to be apart of my life, like he said he wanted to with an open heart. Only the Lord knows how much I have always wanted to have a relationship with him....well now we are facebook friends and I just got off his page, I'm in tears and cant stop crying. I cant stop thinking about how much time has gone by. I cant believe that the stranger on Facebook is my father. I'm so hurt! Just trying to work thru the emotions I guess...   :(